
Journal Entry Six

13. März 2020

Prime Minister Northcott announced this afternoon an almost complete shutdown of Dorstenland starting next Wednesday, 18. March. All schools and universities are to be closed on Monday; however, the elections will go on as scheduled on Tuesday. Northcott’s administration stated that all election poll centers would require a 1.5-meter separation between voters.

This evening, protesters continued to gather in Eberbach’s city centre, Ludwigplatz. Instead of demanding the resignation of Northcott, they are now insisting on the postponement of Tuesday’s elections. The protesters already view Northcott’s conservative party, the NCD (Neu Christlich Demokratische Partei Dorstenlands), with rigging the upcoming election.

After putting my children to bed tonight, Karina and I watched the news. Currently, the focus of all European news outlets has been on the unfolding events of COVID-19. However, there have been brief segments reporting on the protesters in Eberbach. During one part which focused on the protests, I could not help but notice a small group of people silently waving the Dorstenland flag. Something the protesters were also holding caught my eye. I quickly paused the live TV feed to take a closer look. Each person in the small group was also holding a picture of King Horace and Queen Sofia.

“Look closely at the portraits they are holding,” I said to Karina. “They are portraits of Jonas’s grandparents. Remarkably interesting. I would never have expected to see monarchists at a protest such as this.”

I remember Karina looking up from her tablet and merely stating, “They want a return to the peace and economic security that Jonas’s grandparents provided for our country.”

Honestly, I could not agree with the monarchists more. After King Horace died and King Edwin took the throne, it seemed that Dorstenland began to deteriorate, socially and economically. I know Jonas tries to walk in his grandfather’s footsteps, but the parliament has the King’s hands tied. Each day that passes, I genuinely despise Prime Minister Northcott more and more. I am not sure of Northcott’s agenda for Dorstenland, but it makes me extremely nervous. Although I do not have evidence, I know in my heart that the prime minister is up to something that is directed towards the House of Dietrich, specifically King Jonas himself.