
Journal Entry Eight

17. März 2020

It is closing in on midnight, and the torrential rains have not let up since they began earlier this morning. The severity of the storm, accompanied by the pandemic, has caused one of the lowest voter turn-outs that Dorstenland has seen in decades. Unfortunately, Prime Minister Northcott’s party, the NCD (Neu Christlich Demokratische Partei Dorstenlands), took 58% of the vote. The results cemented Northcott’s reign as prime minister for another three years.

Today’s storm was a double-edged sword. The disturbance helped to subdue the possibility of violence at the voting centres, but it did hand Northcott another victory. For all one knows, Northcott’s party would have been victorious regardless.

Tomorrow, the country closes to try to contain COVID-19. King Jonas has been advised by his physician to isolate in the palace until further notice. Per Jonas’s request, my family and I will remain at the castle until it is safe to return to the public due to the virus.

I am in the library again writing this journal entry. Today’s storm brought unusually cold temperatures, which made me insist we have a fire in the library’s fireplace. I feel as though it is autumn, and the leaves outside on the trees are colored in yellow, orange, and red. The renaissance-era armchair I am sitting on faces the brick fireplace that is now warm with flames. Besides the small table-light next to me, the fire is the only source of lighting in this double-story room. The large portrait of King Ludwig I above the fireplace’s mantel brings me a comforting sense of protection. It was not until King Horace came along that Dorstenland had such a well-loved and universally respected king like Ludwig I.

The plush, antique settee across from me, is occupied by Jonas. The king is lying down, fast asleep. The stress of the election and the virus has exhausted him. I suddenly wonder if my father sat on this same armchair that I sit on, while King Edwin slept on the same settee where Jonas is lying. I wonder the same as my grandfather and King Horace. Three generations of men from the Dietrich and Köhler families, in the roles of a king and his private secretary.

Now and then, I get questioned by the press, foreign diplomats, and even people on the streets throughout Dorstenland regarding my family and the royal family’s unique situation. I have always stated the same phrase, which is “this is what we were born to do.” I do not provide more in-depth reasoning, but for this journal entry, I will.

I am not sure how to explain this. There is a belief inside of me that I feel is an instinct, something I was born to do. I believe that some people are born to be a leader, regardless of their bloodline. I also think that some people were born to support these leaders. Have I ever wondered what it would be like to switch roles with Jonas and be king? Of course, I have, but in my heart, in my soul, that is not for me. Being a king is not how nature intended me to be. It is not something I want nor desire. Like the worker bee and its queen, I have an instinct to serve my king, who is also my best friend.

As I would take a sword to my heart or a bullet to my head to protect my wife and children, I would do the same to protect my king.